Monday, November 1, 2010

11-1-2010...WOW this year is flying by!! And don't forget to vote!!

Can you all believe that it is November already?? Soon it will be CHRISTMAS Time....Yes, I still say CHRISTMAS and if that bothers you...Well, I really don't care, get over it!!  I must admit, I think the older I get the faster time flies by...I was always told that the older I got...Boy they were not kidding!! And the sad(I'm really not sad about it) thing is that I will be 40 in March!! WOW, I'm getting old!! LOL...

Anyways, it is time to vote and I want to encourage every one to get out there and vote.  The one thing that ticks me off is people who do not vote!!  This is a right you have been given...get out there and make a difference...And when you vote please make sure that you make the RIGHT decision for yourself and our country!!

Let's look at the over-all picture...People are still blaming Bush for everything wrong in this country but the fact of the matter is that the Democrats have been in charge of Congress since 2006...And what have they done for us...Well let's look:

1) The National Deficit has sky-rocketed thanks to the Liberals..Your great great great grandchildren will be paying for the spending habits of BHO/Pelosi/Reid...Thanks Liberals!!

2) Obamacare has been passed..It was passed and never read by anyone!! They(Liberals) don't even know what is in the bill..Their comment was pass it now and we will read it later and make changes later!! What a joke!!

3) Unemployment speaks for itself..We have the highest unemployment rate in the history of our country and the Liberals could care less..Their only concern is that we do not call a terrorist a terrorist!!

4) Brace for the HUGE tax increase we all will face...FYI, Obamacare is nothing more than a huge tax increase...Funny that Congress exempt themselves from it and now BHO is giving opt-outs to those companies who support the BHO Agenda!!

5) The housing market has crashed under the Liberal leadership...I do believe it was the liberal congress under Bush that pushed for Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac to give out loans to those who could not afford them...Remember the Liberals believe that everyone should achieve the American dream without working for it..It should be handed to them...

6) The leadership of BHO is a joke...No President should ever go around the world and tell other countries that he is sorry that the American people have done this or that....Our country is or was the greatest country in the world...Many men and women died for this country and for that we should never be ashamed...BHO has also criticized the techniques used by our military men and women to keep our country safe..I look at it this way, if it keeps this country safe for my kids and future grand kids...I am all for it...I am sorry but you do whatever you can to keep this country safe...BHO had no leadership skills and he has made a mockery of our country....He is a joke of a leader!!

7) The BP oil spill...Again his leadership in this disaster was a flat joke!! He will go down as the worst President in history!!

8) Regardless of what he says...He is a Muslim...His actions say he is one, his words have said he is one and his background shows he was born as one...So if he walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....He is a duck!! He has done nothing but put Christianity down and any function that had a Christian backing he has opposed...

9) Race is always an issue with BHO...He uses the race card to cause trouble and to gain votes...Once a racist always a racist huh?!?!  Remember he was ashamed of his mothers "white background" and disassociated himself form the "white people" growing up...

10) He is a liar...He has not keep one campaign promise that he has made...Other than passing the highest tax rate us Americans will see....Remember Obamacare is nothing more than a tax hike...And if you don't get or have insurance...You can go to jail!!

So, is this really what you want for the next 4 years??  I would surely hope not!!  Get out and vote and show BHO and his Liberal Kool-aid drinking friends that we will no longer put up with their lies and deceit!!  It is time to bring the USA back to the head of the class!!

God Bless you all and remember to get out their and vote!!

Randy "Shrek" Weaver