Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10/5/2010....What the heck is going on with the world today?!?!?

You know I can remember growing up in Beech Grove, Indiana as a kid...I would walk to the park, down the street to the store and Dairy Queen...I would walk to school and home and for the most part never had any fear of being beat up or shot at or killed....Granted we had a few bullies who liked to show themselves every now and then but you know back then it was a good ole fist fit and the kids were on their way...And usually the one that got beat up had his pride hurt for awhile but in a few days everyone was friends again...

In today's society it seems like every time I turn around I am hearing news that kids are shot, someone is on a shooting spree, kids are fighting in school with knives and guns, adults and kids are raping adults and kids...Teachers are having sex with students and student are just having sex....Does it ever stop or end?!?!?

Let me start out by saying this...I think that there has always been bad and evil in this world but in today's world we are just more aware of the issues because of the news media, computers, television, cell phones and whatever else people use to get their news from...The problems have always been here and they will always continue to be here...Here is the thing thou, I believe we have always had these problems but today there seems to be alot more of it going on....

My question is this...Why?? Why do we as society allow this to happen? Why do we as parents allow this to happen? Why do we as a country allow this to happen? Why??

I will tell you why this happens..Now this is just my view point and if you don't like it and you do not agree...So be it, I don't care......

This is happening because we as a society, as parents and as a country have lost focus on God, morals and respect for others...We as a society have gotten to politically correct in our thinking and we do not want to offend someone...Or better yet we do not want to spank our children because that hurts their ego/pride and crushes them and later in life they will have problems because they have been spanked....

Lets start with our focus on God...God is the creator, the author of the world and we today have shun Him...We have taken God out of our schools, our homes and our everyday lives!!  Why?? Why have we done this?? I will tell you why...It is because our government and the Christians of this country did not stand up and take a stand against those who said they were being discriminated against because they had to pray with us in school...or because they had to have a Bible verse read to them or because someone said God Bless you....It is time for Christians and our government to take a stand and say that we are not going to allow this stuff to happen anymore....This is America, this country was founded upon Christian values and Morals...It is time to bring God back into the homes and into our schools...And back into our lives!!

Parents.......It is time for us to stand up...We need to stand up for God number one and secondly, we need to stand up for our children....Parents it is time that we step up to the plate and take responsibility for our children!!  You know what, it is not the job of the school, the church or the government to raise our kids...That is our job!!  When a child does something wrong it is the job of mom and dad to discipline that child and to teach them right from wrong...It is not the job of the church, the school or the government to teach out children right from wrong...They need to learn it from you, you the parents...So step up mom and dad!!  It is our jobs are parents to discipline our kids...I am not saying that we should beat our kids that is obviously wrong....But I am saying that it is okay to smack your kid's bottom with a belt...Since when has it become a crime to teach your child right from wrong?? Since when is it wrong to use a belt on the bottom if it is needed??  Since when do we allow schools to tell our children what is morally right and wrong when it comes to sex?? Mom and dad THAT IS YOUR JOB!!!!  If you don't want to raise your kids...DO NOT HAVE KIDS!!!! PERIOD!!!

Society today has really gone astray in my opinion...We have let down the children, the elderly and God...It is time that we as a society step up and take responsibility...We need to quit the blame game and take responsibility for where we are at..If we do not change our course and path we are all in big trouble...We need to learn to respect our elders and discipline our children and respect God...If we do this we can and will change the path of the world...But this seems to be very difficult to do in today's society.

In the end, we all need to take personal responsibility for our own actions..I will say that life is tough but we do have an owner's manual...and that manual is the Bible...God knows we are not perfect that is why He sent His son to earth...to live as a man...and to die upon that cross for our sins....But we must strive to live according to His word the best we can...We must strive to make our children better people and to teach them to respect those around them...We must teach our children to love...Just as God loved us!!  We must be willing to put it all on the line just as God put His ONLY Son on the cross for us....

So I will end my rant with this....Go forth and show your love for the world and let God's love shine thru you..You may be the only person to show God's love to people and make a difference in their lives..So carry on and let God shine thru you!!

Randy "Shrek" Weaver

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